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Content Creation Blueprint

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Your premier guide for planning and writing content that converts your followers into clients and brand partners, accelerating your business to the next level and unlocking the income you’re dreaming about.

We’re not JUST focusing on writing great posts, we’re covering ALL the aspects of content creation, including mindset and belief, identifying and tapping into your ideal client, planning ahead, and staying organized.

CCB Includes: 

  • 5 comprehensive modules (designed to be completed within 5-6 weeks):
    •  Module 1: Mastering Your Mind & Building Belief In Yourself & Your Content
    •  Module 2: Out With the Old
    •  Module 3: In With the New: Your Content Blueprint
    •  Module 4: Getting In Her Head: Writing Content That Converts
    •  Module 5: Maximize Your Time & Plan Ahead
  •  Private Facebook group & community of female entrepreneurs
  •  Module-Specific Workbooks

Plus these bonuses: 

  • Instagram Insights Tracker 
  • Weekly Story Prompt Guide 
  • Content Conversion Checklist