$667.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Due to the digital nature of services provided, all sales are final and no refunds will be issued. By becoming a client and purchasing the Web in a Week project, I understand that I am giving Allie Clark Designs creative control to design a website that accurately represents my business. I understand that my business success is dependent on my own implementation of what is provided. 

Web in a Week

Looking for a payment plan? CLICK HERE

Our website template customization service for business owners who want to captivate their audience with a luxury and professional website experience, without a heightened price tag. 

The project is for the committed business owner who wants to deliver a professional website to their audience, without breaking the bank. 

Your Web in a Week will be a five page website customized from a template (either via Showit or Squarespace).


  • A 5 page website customized from template
  • Showit or Squarespace compatible
  • Optimized for web & mobile viewing
  • Impactful copy
  • Support through launch + post launch

This project is typically completed within a timeframe of 1 week, but due to some template features and communication between designer & client, project may take up to two weeks. 

Allie Clark will be in contact via email upon completion of purchase to deliver custom client questionnaire and begin working relationship. All digital products will be delivered via email upon completion of services.